The new SAGA begins today ! – Snapshot preview

The new Proton Saga will be launched this afternoon but you can already have some idea on how it looks like based on the actual pictures that I have received from various sources.

6 comments on “The new SAGA begins today ! – Snapshot preview

  1. it is such a boring model. the price tag might attract a few but it looks so outdated n worn even before launching day… remove the duties on all cars and compete on an even terrain and it won’t even be worth a second look. when i think of all the cars I had before and extra duties I paid… for what? to help Proton to survive? Billions and billions of tax payers ringgit

  2. New Era in Teh Tarik Enjoyment??? What in the world?!?!?! This must be the only car in the world advertising their cup holders like that.
    The car looks like a distant rip off from some Hyundai model anyway.

  3. I’m really getting rather bored of this ugly, bubbly appearance that modern coupes are getting. I realize it isn’t so much the looks as it is the specs which make this car interesting, but still, as the vain creatures that we are; who wants to drive something so unappealing?

    And as mentioned above, who the hell advertises their cup holders as a prime selling feature? This makes me utterly wary of what little positive features this car possesses.

    When you take pictures, let us know if it seems better in person 😛

  4. for 35k don’t ask so much la.. even the Viva is more expensive then this blardy car.

    If you have owned a proton car before, I don see why anyone would want to buy another.

  5. yeah! you guys can comment as if the nice car you owned at the moment has been fully settled from the bank…those who know how to criticise please check your bank account first before talking big…!!! hello!!!

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